mardi 18 janvier 2011

Day 3

Today was a good day. It was funny as everyday. To enter the agency, I used the back door reserved to the VIP's :) In the morning, I began with correcting catalogs. Then, as every day, I had to frank the mail with this machine:

 I also had to clasify many contract (as every day too)
They all are clasified in files with dates written on them :

The phone was often ringing and when it wasn't, customers were there so I was not able to speak with the Isabelles, Anne-Marie or with Vincent.

In the afternoon, I did the same as in the morning. Customers were coming too. At half past two, the son of the manager came to see if everything is allright. When he left the agency, three policemen entered. One of them wanted to have a travel in Djerba for his wife. After that, customers wanted to go to the North Cap so Anne-Marie showed me, where it is (I learnt something in geography!!! ;)) At the end, I had to cut papers where it was written "veuillez signer en bas à droite" on them. Finally, it was already finished!...

What will happen tomorrow?? Good question...

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